Sunday, September 21, 2008

Picking Roses for life time...

Start picking up roses for fill your heart with absolute delight....
Though they come with the hurting thorns ....but sometimes that little pain is alright....
They are just like our life....filled with moments of felicity and distress...
Petals are so soft could soothe the stress but thorns could make life a mess...

But...then its beauty which is everlasting..
And the fragrance which will captivate a heart..
Touch of petal is like a subdued Velvet
and the standing rose which is objet d'art...

A Rose...blooming with the first light
So, enchanting and beyond ordinary understanding
Like happiness is just as spellbound
U forget misery and sorrow...
You live life in merry as if there is no tomorrow...

So, quash all the thorns and pick up the roses....
So what? for moment gaiety it possess......


Umme Salma Kandoriwala said...

nice one...its so true we all need to pick up every happiness we encounter sorrunded with loads of miseries...may be that is the essence of happy living.:)

Unknown said...


Well composed man. To describe the rose with the feeling of touch as a basis instead of the smell, that was a different and enlightening approach.

Mixed..Feelings said...

thanks both of u...